Public Engagement
Round Rock 2030 included a robust public engagement process in order to ensure that the plan reflects the needs and wants of our residents and businesses. Public input collected influences the vision, policies and implementation strategies that guide Round Rock’s decisions regarding commercial development, housing and more.
Phases of Public Engagement
The process of developing Round Rock 2030 was split into several consecutive phases of public engagement over two years. Click on a button below to learn more about the phase and see associated meeting materials and reports.

Phase 1: Community Survey
The City of Round Rock began collecting public input for Round Rock 2030 in 2018. Every two years, the city conducts a statistically valid city-wide survey to gauge how residents feel about city services. For the 2018 Round Rock Community Survey, the Planning and Development Services (PDS) Department asked five questions regarding land use in Round Rock. The results of the survey established a starting point from which further public input material was developed.
Click here to download a PDF of the 2018 Round Rock Community Survey results.
Phase 2: Quadrant Meetings
Throughout February and March 2019, four public meetings were held in which the community was invited to share their visions for what Round Rock will be like in 2030. A series of activities were conducted that allowed the public to share their opinions and provide feedback on preliminary Plan content. The activities conducted were consistent across all four Quadrant Meetings:
- Visioning Exercises
- Policy Discussion
- Live Polling
Teenagers from all over the city were invited to participate in one teen-specific meeting. The same activities were conducted at this meeting held prior to the Quadrant Meetings. Some of the content was tailored specifically to the younger audience.
Phase 2 Meeting Materials (PDFs)
Topic display boards
Meeting presentation slides
Exercise boards
Policy discussion worksheet
Polling questions
Phase 2 Reports and Data (PDFs)
NW Meeting Report
NE Meeting Report
SW Meeting Report
SE Meeting Report
Teen Meeting Report
Aggregated Quadrant Polling Results
Exercise Board Responses
Policy Discussion Responses

Phase 3: Online Engagement
The city conducted its third phase of public input for Round Rock 2030 from mid-April through mid-June 2019 using Polco, an online public engagement tool. 21 standalone questions and two surveys were developed based on input received at the in-person Quadrant Meetings hosted by the city during Phase Two. Respondents were encouraged to read descriptions for each online question to learn more about the topic prior to responding. To provide staff with additional feedback, respondents were encouraged to leave comments after each question answered. The activities posted to Polco for engagement included:
- 21 Standalone Questions
- Historic Preservation Survey
- Policy Discussion Survey
Phase 4: Future Land Use Exercise
The city conducted its fourth phase of public input for Round Rock 2030 from late June to late August 2019. A component of Round Rock 2030 is the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). The FLUM establishes the general distribution, location, and extent of land uses which include open space, residential, commercial, etc. Every ten years, the city examines the entire map and adopts a new FLUM as part of its Comprehensive Plan. Stakeholders owning property of five or more acres in the city limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) boundaries of the city were able to give input on how their land could be developed or redeveloped in the future.
The Future Land Use mapping process initially engaged stakeholders rather than the general public to ensure that landowners that may plan to develop their land were represented.
- PDS reviewed and adjusted location criteria. Most of the land use designations in the Plan have unique location criteria. These criteria are applied to guide zoning decisions and minimize land use conflicts.
- PDS identified stakeholders associated with 402 parcels of land that were five or more acres in size.
- PDS conducted a preliminary review of the existing Future Land Use Map from the 2010 Comprehensive Plan and identified potential revisions.
- Individual future land use mapping meetings conducted to gather input from land-owning stakeholders that own over 100 acres of land.
- FLUM Open House held on July 22, 2019. Previously identified stakeholders and their representatives were invited to review and discuss proposed map with PDS, Transportation and Parks staff.
- PDS edited the FLUM based on input received and contacted stakeholders to inform them of any proposed changes. Draft FLUM posted to website for comments.
Phase 5: Open Houses, Office Hours, and Online Engagement
The city conducted its fifth phase of public input for Round Rock 2030, an update to the city’s Comprehensive Plan, from February to April 2020. The city invited stakeholders to review the draft of Round Rock 2030 prior to commencement of the adoption process. Stakeholders could view a copy of the draft online or review a paper copy of the draft that was made available at the Round Rock Public Library and the Planning and Development Services Office, located at 301 W. Bagdad Ave., Suite 210.
Open Houses were held March 7, 2020 and March 10, 2020 to allow stakeholders to give feedback and tell the city their vision for Round Rock’s future. Much like the prior public meetings, the community was invited to interact with and learn about the Comprehensive Plan. Unlike some of the earlier meetings, the Open Houses were not specific to particular areas of the city.
In addition to the two Open Houses, the city planned to hold three sets of Office Hours where stakeholders could view the Open House materials and talk to staff about the draft. Office Hours were held on March 12, 2020; however, they were cancelled for March 18 and March 23 due to Covid-19 gathering restrictions. Additionally, the adoption process was suspended, postponing public hearings originally scheduled to commence on April 1.
Throughout this phase of public input, the city offered an online alternative for input as an alternative for in-person meetings using Polco, an online public engagement tool. The questions posted on the Round Rock 2030 Polco page were open ended, to gather feedback about the Round Rock 2030 draft and the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). Online input was originally proposed to conclude on March 24, 2020. However, when the adoption process was postponed, the online comment period was extended through Sunday, April 26.
Phase 5 Meeting Materials (PDFs)
Open house display boards
Phase 5 Reports and Data (PDFs)
Phase 5 Public Engagement Report
Phase 6: Adoption
Adoption of Round Rock 2030 included two public hearings. The first hearing occurred at the Planning and Zoning Commission where the Commission considered the Plan for recommendation to City Council. A second public hearing was held when the final draft of the Plan was presented to the City Council for adoption. Texas State Law requires a public notification process at the time of Plan consideration. The public was notified in the local newspaper, and a physical notice was posted at City Hall prior to each public hearing. After adoption, printed copies of Round Rock 2030 were made available and the Plan was published on the city’s website.
Ordinance No. O-2020-0175 Adopting the Round Rock 2030 Comprehensive Plan
Click here to download the adopted Round Rock 2030 Comprehensive Plan
For more information on long-range planning activities in Round Rock, visit the city’s Long-Range Planning webpage.

Council and Commission Meetings
City Council
July 24, 2018: Round Rock 2030 kick off presentation. Presented the 2018 Community Survey results and a public input plan for Round Rock 2030.
April 25, 2019: Presentation regarding the public input received at Round Rock 2030 Quadrant Meetings.
August 8, 2019: Presentation regarding online public engagement results and twelve policies developed for Round Rock 2030.
January 21, 2020: Presentation at packet briefing regarding implementation strategies for each of the twelve Round Rock 2030 policies.
June 25, 2020: Public hearing regarding Round Rock 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Ordinance required for adoption.
Planning and Zoning Commission
January 15, 2019: Presentation at annual work session regarding an update to the Comprehensive Plan.
May 1, 2019: Presentation regarding the public input received at Round Rock 2030 Quadrant Meetings.
July 17, 2019: Presentation concerning online public engagement results and policy development associated with the Comprehensive Plan.
February 5, 2020: Presentation regarding online public engagement results and policy development associated with Round Rock 2030. Commissioners were invited to Open Houses in March.
May 20, 2020: Public hearing regarding Round Rock 2030 Comprehensive Plan. With recommendation from Commission, Plan goes to City Council for consideration.
Historic Preservation Commission
June 18, 2018: Presentation regarding updates to the city’s Historic Preservation Plan for adoption in 2020. Commissioners were asked to think about historic preservation accomplishments of the last decade in preparation for the annual work session.
September 25, 2018: Presentation and discussion concerning the development of the city’s Historic Preservation Plan at the Historic Preservation Commission annual work session.
August 20, 2019: Presentation regarding the public engagement results from the Quadrant Meetings and Polco.
September 17, 2019: Presentation regarding the development of the city’s Historic Preservation Plan at the Historic Preservation Commission annual work session. Commissioners discussed implementation strategies and proposed minor edits to the draft of the Historic Preservation Plan.
November 19, 2019: Public hearing regarding the Historic Preservation Plan. Commission recommended the city’s Historic Preservation Plan for adoption.